nom*nom*nom*snort*******Hello there, it is 4/15/10 and I'm checking in. *** nom*nom*** Bunhilda is the name!!! I'm a saucy cinnamon/dutch-X bunnygirl. I was born 10/1/09. I'm about 7 months old and I should weigh a pound more than I do. *nom* Good thing the RabbitMatch moms have an all-you-can eat plan for buns like me. I inhaled my greens this morning and am keeping my face in the pellet cup *nom***nom* Oh, but I must call your attention to something!!!! My schnozzie!!! No, it is not the result of my getting too close while disapproving of a freshly painted white wall!!!! I really do have a nightlight nose, white upper lips and an adorable little spot on my chin. Disappears when I strike a profile pose!!!!
My former human was so clever at hiding me from her landlord that she actually forgot I was in the closet and I needed to eat every day. I'm glad she dropped me off with the RabbitMatch moms before I became so thin I disappeared when turned sideways. I now have toys, a spiffy denbox, a huge litterbox with fresh hay daily...Life is suddenly good!!!!! With a chow-crumbly bunnykiss, Your Bunhilda.
Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous
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