Saturday, April 03, 2010

A new classic...Twas the night before Easter...

Twas the night before Easter, and all through the house, all the bunny's were chewing on a nice piece of couch
The carrots were hung near their beds with great care, in hopes they approve and don't nom on my hair
The wires all up and out of the way, no tv or computer, no phone or a fray
The water dish full and the plate of veggies out, for the Great Rabbit to have after he hops all about
The evening was warm and quiet, the stars danced in the sky, a twinkle of kale in each rabbit's eye
In hops the Great Rabbit, without making a sound, with the Easter pizza he hops all around
He has some water, it's been a long night, and chomps on some veggies, no need for a light
He spots some chairs, some carpet, and ponders a bit, *I better not eat that it might make me sick*
Out with a leap and into the air, on his way to other bunnies, some lops and a hare.

Robert Sutherland:!/notes/robert-sutherland/national-bunny-day-thank-you-heather-and-trisha-for-your-nbd/414282721534


Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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