Thursday, March 31, 2005

A Short History of Height

Canadians are now taller than Americans, who have suddenly plateaued -- but all trail the towering Dutch. So what's their secret?

Richard Steckel has a reality check for parents who see their teenagers sprouting skyward before their very eyes. It's really happening. Young Canadians today enjoy such stunning nutritional advantage over their predecessors that it is now possible for most to reach their full genetic potential, their optimum height. But what baffles experts like Steckel is that America's young adults, who share much the same diet, have suddenly plateaued. And while Canadians continue to inch upward, overtaking our richer neighbours, both countries lag behing the now towering Dutch. What is behind such differences? Junk food diets pushing more people outward than upward? Social disparities? Height, it seems, is about more than what's in our genes.

Read on to find out what heights averaged in Europe and North America over the last 1,000 years. Fascinating...

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