Friday, October 23, 2009

Bunny Puts Woman Behind Bars!! No Kidding!

February 26, 2009 - 10:30 p.m. -Bunny Puts Woman Behind Bars A woman in the UK is back behind bars after she said her child’s pet bunny chewed through an electrical wire powering her monitoring equipment.  She had been in prison for three months for money laundering.  She was banned from leaving her family home in the evenings. But Cuddles (above)  chewed through the receiver unit cable in the house.  She and her husband called the engineer who could see the cable had been chewed.  However, police took her back to prison since they believed the unit was tampered with instead. Someone needs to test the cords for rabbit DNA because Cuddles looks really guilty.

thanks, Inge.  Funny story!

Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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