Monday, January 31, 2011

Canadian animal activists win fight to save rabbits...finally! Whew! : )

...Carmina Gooch, president and founder of the Rabbit Advocacy Group of British Columbia, estimated about 100 rabbits still remained at the University of Victoria campus, and eventually they would also be removed.

Admitting that there was "no easy solution" to the situation, Gooch said the university knew years ago the rabbit population was climbing and failed to react to the situation. She argued the City of Victoria did not help the situation in not banning the sale of domestic rabbits or in introducing rules related to the domestic breeding of the animals.

"I had even written [university] officials, and I know other people did too, asking what are they going to do about the rabbits? People, again in general, they leave things until it's too late. Or when it is really necessary to take action and then they decide lethal action, thinking it's quick and efficient, whereas it's not," Gooch said.

"People are still going to dump rabbits regardless, because that's what they do. Unless you change peoples' behavior and get them to value the animals and things, it's not going to get better. But the university's attitude that lethal control is acceptable nowadays that's wrong. It's morally wrong. We've got to look for alternatives. We're taking away the environment and habitat of so many species."...

read the rest of the article here:

[emphasis added]

Posted via email from rabbitmatch's posterous

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