Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary...good peeps.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Around the Haystack » Breakfast with Michelle
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bonnie by the Window...
One of our bunderful humans sent a pic of her darling bunny girl, Bonnie. : )
Ain't she purrrty?Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Vote for House Rabbit Society in Animal Rescue Site Contest! Go Team Bunneh!!!
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Monday, August 15, 2011
Our good bunnies...er, buddies at LA Rabbit Foundation can win a grant if we watch a short video they made. Please watch it!
Help them win a grant! All you have to do is watch this video on YouTube. That's it.
Please watch this video and ask all your friends to too!California Poison Control is sponsoring this contest. First Prize: $1,500, Second: $1,000, Third, $500. We are currently in first place
but the videos just got posted today. Please help us stay in first place, and thank you for helping the bunnies.
Let's rock the world for bunnies!!!
Do I have somefing stuck in my teef? - Glacier on Daily Bunny!!
Our very own "Mr Zoom". The sweetest guy imaginable. : )
Thanks, Daily Bunny!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
One Click can Help Best Friends save the lives of more Los Angeles shelter animals!
Important: letter to support Best Friends operation of NE LAAS facility!!
Please support this and send a letter. We do not want any of the alternatives! Click on this URL to take action now
Monday, August 08, 2011
Rabbit Adoption PSA!! Starring our Murphy!!
Thanks, Christopher, for a beautiful video. Love the music too.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Now, THESE are Buster’s sprints!!
June 4, 2009
This is Buster on a good day!!
It makes it all the more incredible when you discover that Buster is blind…amazing.
Buster is an Irish Hare that was found when she was a leveret, only few hours old! The cutest creature you’ll ever see, she was sitting still in the middle of a road when she was picked up. Emaciated and dehydrated, she was taken into care with the intention of releasing her once she was weaned. Along the way, we discovered she was blind, so not suitable for release. Buster has been living with myself and my husband ever since. This blog tells her story. Hence the title, Buster’s Journey.
Friday, August 05, 2011
LA + CA Laws Prohibiting Live Animal Sales! Yay!!!!
(Kudos to Barbara T for sending this out onto the airwaves.)
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Don't miss How to draw ... bunnies!!
thanks, angie, for sending this along! : )