Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ordering Pizza in the Age of Surveillance

The ACLU is gearing up for a Summer Surveillance Campaign. Watch their new entertaining--and eerie--video.

I know a lot of people out there will be only to happy to 'pooh-pooh' this as science fiction's Big Brother--but once upon a time, no one thought humans could fly either. It pays not to be too naive. And I'm beginning to think it could, indeed, happen just as the video portends.

[snip] The government and corporations are aggressively collecting information about your personal life and your habits. They want to track your purchases, your medical records, and even your relationships. The Bush Administration's policies, coupled with invasive new technologies, could eliminate your right to privacy completely. Please help us protect our privacy rights and prevent the Total Surveillance Society. [snip]

So next time you're ordering pizza...

Thanks to Ken Leebow for posting this to his really fine blog.

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